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6 Easy Tips for Getting Pregnant Faster

Would you like to getting pregnant faster? For some people, pregnancy does not come quickly. The six tips below can help you realize your desire to get pregnant with natural and healthy way.



1. Make Sure Your Weight is Reasonable

A pregnancy usually come when your body weight is ideal. Even so, it doesn't mean you must do a radical weight loss diet through many instant ways that aren't healthy. The best way is setting up your diet and exercise before make a conception, then continue it during pregnancy and after childbirth. Keeping weight is also means quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol, taking prenatal vitamins, and eating healthy foods.

2. Make a Prediction Fertile Period

To maximize pregnancy chance, you can try to use a fertility predictor. This tool will help you to detect the high luteinizing hormone when you are in fertile period. Fortunatelly, this tool is very easy to use like a pregnancy test kits.

3. Keep a Romantic Atmosphere

One attempt to get pregnant faster is make a sexual intercourse in the fertile period. However a great desire to get pregnant sometimes will make sexual intercourse as a boring duty, thus bring and risky stuck you and your husband in a tense atmosphere. To prevent this negative atmosphere, try to be a romantic person and do some relaxing activity before making love. For example, you can watch a romantic movies and talk about something that interesting. Besides, you have to also avoid forcing your couple making love just because you are in the fertile period. Keep sexual event stay as enjoyable activity without coercion and pressure.

4. Test and test

When the fertilized egg cell patch with the uterus, human body will produce a hormone called humanchorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that can be detected by a pregnancy test kits. Don't hesitate to take a pregnancy if your menstrual period late. This method is very helpful to protect your baby. So, you can immediately change your lifestyle for fetus healthy.

5. Prepare Mentally

Not only you need to make a pregnancy test during menstrual late, but you also need to prepare your mentally. Impatiently waiting for result of the pregnancy test can make you sad if the result is negative. Some experts said possibility of the fertile couples to conceive per pregnancy cycle is 20 percent and about 50 percent of the childbearing age couples can get pregnant after six months. Meanwhile, 85 percen of the new couple can get pregnant after doing one year of a pregnancy program.

6. Join with The Community

If you are still trying to get pregnant, believe that you are not alone. Find some friends who have same problems or join the pregnancy community. This will open up your pregnant knowledge and can be shared experience media about pregnancy. You know, if you have friends with the same condition, it will make your heart be more calm and doesn't stressed. Then, if your emotional state and mind stay calm, isn't impossible to help you get pregnant faster.


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