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How to Relieve Lower Backpain During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is most special moment in the world of family. However it should be lived as a loveliest gift from God, although sometimes pregnant women will feel backpain. Well, what can we do to relieve relieve backpain during pregnancy? Let's look at some tips below!



Why can pregnant women complain of lower backpain?

Do you know, enlargement of the women uterus and abdomen will cause stretching of her body muscle, such as groin, waist, abdomen, and along spine. This stretch is normal as a sign of the women pregnant body to prepare large space for growing fetus in womb. In addition, abdomen enlargement due to uterus grow during pregnancy can also disturb mother's body balance slightly. Therefore, we often see a pregnant woman walk bendly leaned toward to the rear, beside nausea and vomiting. This habit should be avoided because it will result in pain at waist.

Here are tips for relieve lower backpain during pregnancy :

  1. For pregnant women who work with more standing position, preferably keep standing position with upright posture, back straight, and parallel to shoulder. Don't bend or arch your back towards to the rear.
  2. When sitting strived backbone position parallel to seat backrest and feet flat on the floor.
  3. Avoid on standing position continuously for 6 hours or more.
  4. Don't forget to correct sitting position or make a seat position correction every few moments. If necessary, get sitting position straightly and wedge backbone with thin pillows.
  5. Do some exercise to get relaxation in office hours rest. Start from make relaxing the muscles of neck, back, and waist. Besides, get relax with a long deep breath and exhale through mouth slowly. This should be done every lower backpain felt.
  6. When you want to bend over to take something under the table, try to do it in safe position. First get standing upright position then bend your one knee and keep your back to remain straight. After that, flex your lower back toward to the front slowly. At time to standing, do it heartly so your body balance is maintained.
  7. Get warm water bath or soak in warm water that has been spiked with salt. Do a light massage along the spine plate and back with direction of circular motion.
  8. Best sleep position for pregnant women is tilted leftward to facilitate blood circulation from her to her baby. Place your feet on the thin wedge pillow between knees.
  9. If there isn't doctors prohibition or contra indications about your pregnancy, you can try doing pregnancy exercising, breathing, and walking every day for 30 to 60 minutes.
  10. Last but not least, accept all of the physical and psychological during pregnancy happily. You should be grateful for pregnancy experienced and make it as best colorful moment of being a mother. Don't sink into the bad felt, complaint, and burden. Remember, there isn't all momen be able to conceive. So thankful to God despite you feel a little uncomfortable.


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